Basic Guide to Build Muscle Fast

There are countless bodybuilders who frequently attend a gym in order to increase lean muscle mass. They struggle for a much improved physique but all too often they do not attain their goals.

As the weeks pass by they become increasingly discouraged with their shortage of muscle gains.

This can be a very common occurrence for anyone wishing to develop their body shape, which is why many body builder's quit, thinking that they are by some means unable to add muscle size.

So why does this happen to so many of us and what can you do about it?

From my experience, those of us who do not make good muscle increases in the gym make similar mistakes time after time.  Read on below to see if you are making these everyday errors, with answers for every problem.

1.    Beginners choose the incorrect body building workouts to achieve their aims, often following expert workouts from books and magazines.

This is not suitable for the average guy or girl, and in particular for hardgainers.

In order to build lean muscle you should train for around 45 minutes with heavy weights, doing 2 or 3 sets for each exercise. Keep your sets at a maximum of fifteen sets per weight training session.

It does no good performing 20 plus sets and spending many hours at the gym.

2.    Performing the same body building training routine week after week, even though they have not made any noticeable muscle gains.

To be able to gain muscle mass you must completely change your bodybuilding program every 8-12 weeks. Your body has a sort of muscle memory so it very quickly gets used to the same body building workout you do again and again every week.

You need to shock your muscle by changing your body building workouts regularly.

3.    Not having days off from weight training.

I routinely take up to 1 week off half way through every bodybuilding program.

This allows my muscles time off to recover and recharge.  In the past, before I had regular breaks I often suffered with tendon and muscle injuries.

An additional benefit is that I often see increased strength after I've taken days off.

4.    Doing your workouts on successive days.

Doing bodybuilding training routines that entail using heavy weights places a lot of strain on your muscles. It can even take up to a full day to re-establish your glycogen reserves. Therefore, ensure you train no more than 2 consecutive days. This will ensure your body will re-nourish itself, resulting in optimal energy when you workout at the gym.

5.    You rely on body building supplements to make up for a incorrect diet.

Most body building supplements are nothing more than expensive marketing gimmicks. They drain your pockets of hard earned money and do nothing to increase muscle mass. Even if you spend $75 a week on muscle building supplements, it will make no more than 10% difference to your muscle growth.

All body building programs should be organized around a stable nutritional plan.

You must make certain that you nourish your body with the nutrients it needs in order to develop lean body mass.

Summing Up

In order to build mass quicker than you have ever achieved previously, you must ignore the conventional body building methods that you have picked up in the past from well known bodybuilders in muscle books.
Slow gainers in particular can adapt their body building programs and stop repeating the common errors I've mentioned above. Make these changes and could see some amazing results!

Discover how to obtain amazing increases in muscle size at Adding Muscle Mass, the home of great bodybuilding training articles and free workout guides.

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