How to Achieve Total Fitness

Total Fitness incorporates all of the different methods of exercise. The best way to do this is to work on one aspect of exercise a day. For instance, one day could be your cardio day, and then the next day can be your strength training day, followed by your stretching and toning on the third day. This way you are able to give your muscles and tendons time to heal and recover before the next workout.....
....Most people begin their workout regimen by stretching for a few minutes before and/or after their workout. Stretching, strength training, and cardiovascular exercise all go hand-in-hand. A total hour should be dedicated to just stretching, yoga, or Pilates. The main reason for this is to avoid injury by improving balance, strengthening joints and tendons, and relaxing the muscles and organs. Stretching is imperative after any type of movement. The best time to do your stretching is after cardiovascular workouts and not before. Cardio is best done while the muscles are cool.

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