Tom Venuto Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review

Desperately trying to lose that excess fat? Then may I suggest searching the web for Tom Venuto. You are probably wondering who this guy is. Well, Tom Venuto is a fitness expert who became popular in his 340 page ebook called Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. He has also contributed many articles to bodybuilding and weight loss magazines and is considered an expert in nutrition and bodybuilding.

The ebook has a step by step guide of losing weight without using drugs or any other supplements. One of these things I like about his guide is that he does not make use of it to recommend other bodybuilding or weight loss pills.

I have read many other weight loss books and many times, you find recommendations to buy this weight loss pills or that bodybuilding equipment etc. Tom Venuto does not make any recommendations. He does not recommend you take any diet pills and most of the exercises don´t require you to have access to the gym.

Like many others I was skeptical at first because I had tried tons of ways trying to lose those excess fats for years. I read several books about diet and exercise. I even bought several exercising equipments.

In the end, my body fats just keeps coming back and the worst part is that I even gained several pounds. I tried several diet methods that restricts your food preference. Being a carnivore just doesn´t fit with my diet program. Exercising is even worst.

After my exercises, I usually end up too hungry and eat even more. Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle book will explain why this happens and why diets do not work. Tom´s book help me to understand more about my body and how muscles and your metabolism are important in burning fat.

All of this is explained in layman terms and it was easy to read. Tom presents a realistic and scientific way to lose weight. He does not guarantee you lose weight fast but his methods are well tested and proven.

The guide is quite large at about 340 pages and it isn´t those large sized fonts either. It took me about a week to finish reading and start implementing his exercise and nutrition routine.

If you want to learn how to lose weight the right way, i highly recommend Tom Venuto Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle. Click here for an indepth Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle review.

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