Supplement With Protein To Supercharge Muscle Growth

If you're like most of the people that buy a gym membership and do a bodybuilding workout every day like mad for the first few weeks only to drop off because you don't see any results then listen up. The reason you didn't see any muscle on your body, the reason you didn't see any results isn't because you didn't work out hard enough, it's not because you didn't lift enough weight. It's not that you were'nt working out hard enough; it's just that you weren't giving your body the protein it needs to grow. Read on to discover how and when to supplement with protein to experience some huge gains that will have people in the gym looking twice at you.

The thing you have to understand about protein is this. Your muscles are made up of two things. Water and protein and your body needs and uses protein to rebuild and maintain your muscles after your gym workouts. Another common misconception out there is that your muscles grow when you workout in the gym. That's just not true. When you're in the gym your muscles are not growing. Quite the opposite actually. When you're in the gym working out you're actually breaking down and tearing your muscles. All you do in the gym is break down your muscle tissue and tear it; all the growth comes outside the gym and that's where protein comes in.

Your body needs protein to rebuild your muscles after a workout. While you're working out you're breaking down, stretching and tearing your muscles and if you feed your body carbohydrates and your muscles protein then your muscles will come back bigger and stronger! The best time to drink a protein shake/supplement is right after your workout within 30 minutes of your last rep. This is the ideal time to supplement with protein and if you're serious about adding some muscle to your body then you can't be missing this opportunity. In the bodybuilding world the 30 minutes following a workout is known as the "post workout window of opportunity" and it's because your muscles are literally like sponges immediately following a workout. The best bodybuilding supplements have double the amount of carbohydrates over protein as ingredients. After your workout your stomach is likely on empty and consuming carbohydrates along with the protein will ensure that your body has something to burn for fuel (carbs) and also that the protein will be saved for your muscles.

Have the exact same protein/carbohydrate combo first thing in the morning to feed your muscles as soon as you wake up. You do this because you most likely didn't wake up in the middle of the night to eat so you're likely hungry when you wake up. It's even possible that your body may already be feeding on your fat and muscles for energy at this point and this makes it the ideal time to proceed with a protein shake. To try and avoid this scenario what you can do is have a tall glass of non fat milk and a bowl of cottage cheese before you go to bed. Both contain casein protein which is slowly digested into your body making it a natural time released protein.

To summarize. After your exercise routine, a protein shake is a must. Protein shake first thing in the morning. Milk and cottage cheese at night before you go to bed. During the day try to only eat meals that contain both protein and carbohydrates. Your goal should be to consume one gram of protein for every pound you weigh. Remember your muscles need protein to grow so give them plenty of protein and plenty of water. Add this to your workout plan and watch your muscle gains skyrocket.

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