Big arm routine

There is only one way to train your biceps in order to get maximum growth and that is to train them short and intensely. All to often I see people in the gym training their biceps for 30 minutes, get real people the bicep muscle is a small muscle anatomically and is very easy to overtrain. To build big biceps keep it short and intense. Lets take a look at some essential pointers that you need to follow to build big biceps in extra quick time.


  •         The biceps need to be overloaded periodically which means repping to failure, pumping out that last rep with focussed intensity squeezing each rep at the top of the movement


  •      In order to build big biceps your workout should not take no more than 15 minutes to perform. Keep it short and intense.


  •        Recouperation is vital in order to build big biceps. As mentioned the the bicep muscle is small in comparison to larger muscle groups, for your biceps to fully recouperate after an intense workout will take in the order of 5 to 6 days!!


So there you go follow the guidelines above and big biceps will be yours, now lets look at the exercises you will be performing to build those big guns. Always warm up thoroughly 


 Exercise #1: Standing Barbell Curls (perform 2 sets)


 This is the staple exercise for adding bicep mass.

Start with a narrow grip hands 8-10 inches apart. In a controlled movement with no swinging elbows close in at your side, curl the barbell using bicep power to shoulder level and squeeze those biceps. For extra intensity, resist strongly on the lowering of the barbell to the start position. Aim for 8-10 reps with a moderate to heavy weight.


Exercise #2: Incline Dumbbell Curls (perform 2 sets)


Lie on a 35 degree incline bench, grasping a pair of moderately weighted dumbbells, arms straight down. Curl the dumbbells up simultaneously with no swinging to the vicinity of your shoulders and aqueeze. Resist strongly on the lowering part and get a full stretch at the bottom position. Aim for 8-12 rep range.


Exercise #3: Hammer Curls with Rope (perform 2 sets)


Stand straight up holding a dumbbell in each arm at your sides. Start with your palms facing inwards, curl the dumbbells to shoulder level and squeeze hard. Resist strongly on the lowering part and get a full stretch at the bottom position. Aim for 8-12 rep range.


  If you're looking for awesome routines to build big biceps quickly as well as building muscle and burning bodyfat checkout our online bodybuilding course called No Nonsense Muscle Building.  


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