How to Get Ripped Core Muscles Fast

Strengthening your core muscles is very important to your overall fitness and fat loss. Core muscles cover the length of the torso and are important for balance, stabilizing your torso, protecting your spine, and more. Building your core muscles is the best way to build firm abs, a sexy back, and a well defined chest. These exercises specifically target the core area so that you can get ripped fast.

Stability Ball

Stability balls are universally used for core building. Balancing your body on the ball while you do standard exercises like sit-ups, crunches, and planks focuses the stress of the movement on the core muscles.

Try this stability ball modified plank:

Rest your stomach on the ball. Put your legs straight out behind you with your feet together. Raise your body on your forearms so that they are the shape of an “L”. Hold your body in this position, keeping your back muscles and abs tight, for a count of five seconds. Go back to starting position. Do this for three sets of five.

To make the workout more intense on the core muscles, make sure to clinch your stomach muscles while you perform each movement. Remember to breathe, though.

Abdominal Bracing

Abdominal bracing is something you can do no matter where you are to build your core. First, stand up as straight as possible. Imagine a string is pulling your head higher and higher until it can’t go any farther. Next, pull in your ab muscles, imagining that your navel is touching your spine. Hold the pose for five seconds and release. Practice these moves and you will find yourself feeling firmer and standing taller in just days. In no time at all you will be gaining muscle faster than you ever imagined. The benefits of this approach really add up when you combine it with a good exercise plan, like this No Nonsense Muscle Building review.

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