How to Gain Muscle Quick?

The most valuable element in muscle building is a well thought out body building nutrition plan.  Some of the things to think when producing this plan are that you should consume 1 to 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.  If you weigh 180 pounds, you should use up to 360 grams of protein per day (that’s a lot of chicken!). 

You should consume about 1 to 2 grams of complex carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight per day - 1 gram if you‘re cutting and 2 grams if you‘re following a weight gain diet.  You should also take in about 25 grams of healthy fat per day.  All of this food needs to be eaten in 5 to 7 small meals that are spaced out every 3 to 4 hours throughout the day.  This all takes a lot of planning, but it will help you in your quest to build muscle fast.

The next, obvious component in muscle building is the musclebuilding workout program that you follow.  If you want to build muscle fast, you have to use heavy weights and low repetitions.  You want the weight you use to be heavy enough that you can barely finish 6 to 8 reps per set.  Your body building workout routine should also follow a training split that allows each muscle group at least 48 hours to recover after a hard workout.  Finally, you have to shock your muscles by incorporating new bodybuilding exercises and techniques into your training sessions.  Use machines and free weights and cables or try using drop sets or supersets to burn out a muscle group.  You have to keep things fresh to keep your muscles growing.

Another component in the muscle building equation is the use of essential bodybuilding supplements.  These include Whey protein, Creatine Monohydrate and L-Glutamine.  All three of these supplements aid in protein synthesis and muscle reconstruction after hard bodybuilding workouts.  Some people will argue that steroids are the most essential bodybuilding supplement to build muscle fast, and it is true that steroids will help increase gains in muscle.  However, there are risks inherent to the use of steroids, which can result in prolonged health issues that last well after the steroids are out of the users system.

The fourth step to building muscle fast is correct hydration.  During body building workouts, microscopic tears develop in the muscle fibers being used.  Once the muscle building workout is end, the body starts to produce new proteins to service the torn fibers.  The body can more efficiently service the damaged muscle fibers if the muscles are right hydrated.


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