Get Bigger Then You Ever Thought Possible

If you’ve been working out for a while then you probably already know that there’s a lot more to adding muscle to your body then just going to the gym, pumping iron and ripping through your latest workout plan. Depending on how long you’ve been hitting the gym you may or may not know that just as important to working out and hitting the weights in the gym is rest and nutrition.

You won’t add anywhere near as much muscle as you would if you were sleeping enough and providing your body with the right nutrients it needs to grow. If you’re not sleeping at least 7-8 hours a night and if you’re not consuming at least 1 gram of protein for every pound you weigh then there’s a good chance that you’re not getting everything you can out of your workouts in the gym. And I don’t know about you but I’m not going to let a lack of sleep or a lack of sufficient protein intake nullify my bodybuilding workout.

Ok so let’s get right into three things you can do today that will absolutely skyrocket your gains if you’re not already doing them. The only thing you need to make this work is some kind of protein/carbohydrate powder mix. These tips all revolve around supplementing with carbohydrates and protein at the right times to maximize your muscle building potential.

First things first you want to pound a shake right after you workout. This one is the most critical because right after a workout your muscles are vulnerable. Your muscles are spent and your body has been wiped out of any nutrients you may have consumed earlier. You see when you workout you expend a lot of energy and basically after a hard workout your body is starving and your muscles are literally like sponges. This is the ideal time to consume protein and carbohydrates if your goal is to pack on some serious muscle.

just as important as pounding a protein, carb shake right after your workout you also want to consume a similar shake first thing in the morning. When you wake up in the morning you're waking up from an eight hour fast. FEED IT! When your body doesn’t have anything in it’s stomach to burn for energy it’ll go after your muscles and fat.

Do you want your body chewing on your hard earned muscles for energy?

Of course not so feed it first thing in the morning. Professional bodybuilders have been known to set alarms for the middle of the night so they can wake up and pound a protein shake before returning to sleep. That’s extreme but the point is that you may be losing a tiny bit of muscle at night and you want to stop that as soon as you wake up.

Last but not least make sure you drink some milk and eat some cottage cheese before you turn in for the night. In the previous paragraph I talked about how the potential to lose muscle in the middle of the night while you’re sleeping is real. Well you can prevent that be drinking milk and eating cottage cheese before you go to bed. Both contain casein which is a form of protein that is slowly leaked into you system because it’s hard to digest. You’ve heard of whey protein well this is his brother casein protein and if you use it wisely you can build muscle in the middle of the night instead of losing it!

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